
Python binding for MEEP (FDTD solver by MIT)

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  • The python-meep Team
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python-meep Description

Python binding for MEEP (FDTD solver by MIT) python-meep is a Python module that allows scripting of Meep-simulations with Python.Meep is a free finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) simulation software package developed at MIT to model electromagnetic systems.The default scripting language for Meep is Scheme, which has a significant entry treshold for newcomers. Moreover, it can be hard to debug and there are less options for integration with other widely distributed software packages. A C++ interface is also available, but it is not very well documented.Python-meep is a wrapper around libmeep (the C++ core of Meep). It allows the scripting of Meep-simulations with Python, opening new possibilities such as integration with other Python libraries as SciPy, Matplotlib, Mayavi or other simulation software that supports Python.A detailed tutorial on how to write Python-meep scripts is available in the doc/html subdirectory of the python-meep distribution.Installation:Python-meep can be installed as follows: - Make sure your system complies with the following prerequisites: * an MPI-framework if you want to run multiprocessor simulations : Python-meep has been thoroughly tested with OpenMPI version 1.3.3 * libmeep (or libmeep-mpi) for Meep version 1.1.1. On 64-bit systems, make sure you have compiled Meep and it's dependencies with the -fPIC flag. If you work on Ubuntu 9.04, 9.10 or higher, then you can use the Debian packages for Meep 1.1.1 which are hosted on the python-meep project page. (the version of Meep that comes with Ubuntu's standard repo's is an old one, which is not compatible with python-meep). The procedure goes as follows : - In System, Administration, Software Packages, "Third-Party Software", add 2 records as follows : deb jaunty main deb-src jaunty main - Then in a shell box, run the following commands : sudo apt-get install meep sudo apt-get install libmeep-dev or apt-get install meep-openmpi apt-get install libmeep-openmpi-dev or (if a previous version of Meep was already installed from Ubuntu standard repo's) apt-get upgrade * SWIG version 1.3.39 or higher (previous versions may work also but are not sufficiently tested) * gcc/g++ (required by SWIG) * Python 2.6 with Numpy and Scipy * the Bazaar version control system - download the latest source code of python-meep from Launchpad, by issuing the following command : bzr branch lp:~python-meep/python-meep/LATEST_RELEASE Alternatively, you can download and extract the python-meep-XX.tar file from the project homepage at Launchpad. - for the non-MPI version, run script make with root privileges. For MPI-support run script make-mpi. Optionally, you can provide -I and -L parameters (-I pointing to the path with the header files of Meep; -L pointing to the Meep shared libraries). - read the tutorial in doc/html - run the tests (in the /tests subdirectory) and the samples (in the /samples subdirectory) : if you use the MPI-version of Meep, be sure to replace import meep with import meep_mpi in all scripts (see the tutorial) - You can add specific customizations for your site by editing the file Requirements: · Python

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