
A POE Component providing TCP server services for test cases

Test::POE::Server::TCP Ranking & Summary


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  • License:
  • Perl Artistic License
  • Price:
  • FREE
  • Publisher Name:
  • Chris Williams
  • Publisher web site:
  • http://search.cpan.org/~bingos/

Test::POE::Server::TCP Tags

Test::POE::Server::TCP Description

A POE Component providing TCP server services for test cases The Test::POE::Server::TCP module is a POE component that provides a TCP server framework for inclusion in client component test cases, instead of having to roll your own.Once registered with the component, a session will receive events related to client connects, disconnects, input and flushed output. Each of these events will refer to a unique client ID which may be used in communication with the component when sending data to the client or disconnecting a client connection.SYNOPSISA very simple echo server with logging of requests by each client: use strict; use POE; use Test::POE::Server::TCP; POE::Session->create( package_states => , ], ); $poe_kernel->run(); exit 0; sub _start { # Spawn the Test::POE::Server::TCP server. $_->{testd} = Test::POE::Server::TCP->spawn( address => '', port => 0, ); return; } sub testd_connected { my ($heap,$id) = @_; # A client connected the unique ID is in ARG0 # Create a blank arrayref for this client on *our* heap $heap->{clients}->{ $id } = ; return; } sub testd_client_input { my ($kernel,$heap,$sender,$id,$input) = @_; # The client sent us a line of input # lets store it push @{ $heap->{clients}->{ $id }, $input; # Okay, we are an echo server so lets send it back to the client # We know the SENDER so can always obtain the server object. my $testd = $sender->get_heap(); $testd->send_to_client( $id, $input ); # Or even # $sender->get_heap()->send_to_client( $id, $input ); # Alternatively we could just post back to the SENDER # $kernel->post( $sender, 'send_to_client', $id, $input ); return; } sub testd_disconnected { my ($heap,$id) = @_; # Client disconnected for whatever reason # We need to free up our storage delete $heap->{clients}->{ $id }; return; }Using the module in a testcase: use strict; use Test::More; use POE qw(Wheel::SocketFactory Wheel::ReadWrite Filter::Line); use Test::POE::Server::TCP; plan tests => 5; my @data = ( 'This is a test', 'This is another test', 'This is the last test', ); POE::Session->create( package_states => , ], heap => { data => \@data, }, ); $poe_kernel->run(); exit 0; sub _start { $_->{testd} = Test::POE::Server::TCP->spawn( address => '', port => 0, ); return; } sub testd_registered { my ($heap,$object) = @_; $heap->{port} = $object->port(); $heap->{factory} = POE::Wheel::SocketFactory->new( RemoteAddress => '', RemotePort => $heap->{port}, SuccessEvent => '_sock_up', FailureEvent => '_sock_fail', ); return; } sub _sock_up { my ($heap,$socket) = @_; delete $heap->{factory}; $heap->{socket} = POE::Wheel::ReadWrite->new( Handle => $socket, InputEvent => '_sock_in', ErrorEvent => '_sock_err', ); $heap->{socket}->put( $heap->{data}-> ); return; } sub _sock_fail { my $heap = $_; delete $heap->{factory}; $heap->{testd}->shutdown(); return; } sub _sock_in { my ($heap,$input) = @_; my $data = shift @{ $heap->{data} }; ok( $input eq $data, 'Data matched' ); unless ( scalar @{ $heap->{data} } ) { delete $heap->{socket}; return; } $heap->{socket}->put( $heap->{data}-> ); return; } sub _sock_err { delete $_->{socket}; return; } sub testd_connected { my ($heap,$state,$id) = @_; pass($state); return; } sub testd_disconnected { pass($_); $poe_kernel->post( $_, 'shutdown' ); return; } sub testd_client_input { my ($sender,$id,$input) = @_; my $testd = $_->get_heap(); $testd->send_to_client( $id, $input ); return; } Requirements: · Perl

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